Monday, October 17, 2011

Ways in which Kenyan Businesses can harness the power of lead generation

Lead generation is an important technique in today's internet economy. Simply put, it's about generating leads(signing up potential clients) who can be converted in the future into customers for your goods and services.

 If you are selling a new mouth wash or toothpaste you can register ; If you are an insurance salesman, you can acquire a domain like or or and add some content on the various insurance packages and importance of insurance blah blah blah. blah. Then add a huge sign up form on the home page telling visistors "If you are interested in buying insurance or learning more about insurance rates please sign up here". Optimize your website for the search engine. Visitors looking for insurance in Kenya will land on your home page and some of them will sign up. The Contact form is the first step in the conversion of website visitors into the unfortunate insurance buyers. Normally, you should get at least 1-5 leads per day for a low traffic website. Much better than cold calling.

Most of the the time lead generation involves some recycled trashy content but for greater conversion, offer your visitors some quality landing page.  The next step is converting these potential clients into clients and earning your insurance commission, an easy feat for the normally experienced and smooth talking Kenyan insurance salesman.

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